
General Odors

You may not think it, but all of your senses will be stimulated during an etummoc. Well, maybe not taste, unless you REALLY want to get into the experience and start licking the seat next to you. Not going to reccomend you do this, but if you have something to share on this topic, by all means feel free to add a comment. I digress...

Smell on the other hand has a powerful influence on your mind. It can distract you with the most random reactions. Example: I was just on the shuttle, conumed with my latest app download, Google Goggles. Suddenly, as we approached the train station, the distinct stench of skunk creeped into my nose. This immediately caused everything to halt in my mind and triggered the "I need to make sure the dog is inside!!!" alarm. (P.S. I don't have a dog)

It doesn't always work that way. You get to wander down memory lane quite a lot, which good or bad is a way to forget how far you have to go. Overall, I think its pretty nice to be able to slow down and reflect. Its not easy to stop and smell the roses with the timetables and transfers, but if you know how to look, you'll find flower shops just about everywhere.

Just ask Tucan Sam.

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