
In security

Every now and again there is a very noticeable increase in police on public transportation. Officers riding on trains in pairs, pacing station platforms, or monitoring subway stations. This is expected for events such as presidential visits or important UN meetings. Holwever, random spikes of increased security are a little unsettling.

If I know that UN activity is the reason for shutting down the FDR, lining 42nd street with cop cars, and placing bomb-sniffing dogs in Grand Central, I'm ok with that. I come from a long line of worriers, so of course I get a little nervous when there's no obious reason for increased security. Is something going on? Did I miss something on the news? Do they expect something to happen? I should try to get to my train quickly, is my usual thought process.

Working in a techical profession, I occasionly have to take home prototype electronics. Walking in to the subway with a briefcase full of wires and seeing a bagcheck station set up has nearly caused me to have diarrhea as I swipe my metro card on more than one occasion. As I pick up my pace, I say to myself, "you don't actually have anything to worry about, but at least they are closing Guantanamo."

In an attmpt to prevent myself from getting put on a watch list: I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining. Security is needed and has never been intrusive on my etummoc. I wish there was less to worry about, but I guess I'll just get some quality powerwalking practice instead.

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