
Lost in transportation

The holidays are over, which means back to work, and back to the train for me. I had every intention of writing yesterday afternoon but had a little phone trouble.

No, my phone did not break, rather it was semi-stolen by a coworker. He had borrowed it to get a feel of the droid, or as he put it "live with how heavy it is." We planned to take the same shuttle & train later on... but that didn't work out so great whrn I missed the shuttle. I thought I had left with enough time to hop into the bathroom, and get my phone back when we met up. I was incorrect.

What came next felt like it was straight out of "Just My Luck." I ran back to the office, call my cell phone, and my coworker answers. After a little laugh, he suggests we meet up in the Harlem station. Perfect, I needed to get off there anyway to meet a friend on the UES. I then hurried to catch the next shuttle that goes to white plains instead. Thinking I would be bored without music or the internet a freelance designer that occasionally works at my office sits next to me and asks "do you know anywhere good to eat in the city?" It felt like a 10 min train ride and I got to harlem before the coworker with my phone.

It was nice to have the etummoc play in my favor, because that could have gone a lot worse.

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