

Every now and then our industrial design team has hired a graphic designer, whose name I can never remember. She lives in brooklyn so we are often taking the same route during our etummoc.

(Hold on, as I'm sitting here on the train in GC a preson on the intercom just asked, "can somebody give me a break test please?" Does Toyota make trains? More imortantly, did Toyota make this train?)

So, on Monday we rode back into the city together. She gets off to catch a 4 or 5 express at 125th so she doesn't have to deal with big crowds, and she gets a seat. I always go into grand central, but always wondered if there was a time advantage for one of these options.

I made my usual charge towards the subway, and made it onto the platform to see an express just leaving. However, another express showed up one minute later. The cars that passed by me were pretty empty, so I was excited at the prospect of not having to breathe through a stranger's ear.

The train stops, and I look through the window to see my designer friend / coworker seated and waving to me. We were both amazed at the odds of us both catching the same train and selecting the same car. She also mentioned that she had not waited at all for a train. So I guess there is really no advantage in ideal conditions, but I bet it varries.

PS: We were able to stop at 125th on the way out this morning. The break test must have been fine. I may still conduct a little research though.


  1. can you post a map of your etummoc, please? kthanks.

  2. Sorry, no would like to keep my addresses private.
